Hurra, hurra – das Scrum-Plakat ist da!

Stolz präsentieren wir etwas ganz besonderes: Jetzt ist es da, das nach unseren Recherchen erste und einzige “Scrum-Plakat” weltweit. Exklusiv wird es in IF-Blog zum kostenfreien Runterladen angeboten. Es war ein hartes Stück Arbeit für unser Team, aber jetzt ist die erste Version unseres Scrum-Plakates freigegeben.

Der Weg dahin:

Unser “Technology Scout” Alexander Maisch (genannt Axel) hat mir vor knapp einem Jahr berichtet, das er auf seiner Suche nach einem Scrum-Plakat nicht fündig wurde. Der Schluss war einfach: dann machen wir doch selber eines. Dann haben sich die Jungs und Mädels von InterFace, von der TUM und TEG so richtig ins Zeug gelegt. Wie für alles, was Hand und Fuss hat, haben wir neun Monate gebraucht. Und jetzt haben wir es gemeinsam geschafft, die erste Freigabe-Stufe ist erreicht.

Hier ist es, unser ultimatives Scrum-Plakat – zum freien Download. Auf Deutsch und Englisch

Und natürlich wird es kontinuierlich weiter entwickelt und jeder ist herzlich eingeladen, bei der Weiterentwicklung mitzuwirken. Und natürlich werden wir die weiterenwickelten Versionen dann auch wieder zum Runterladen freigeben!



Eine Antwort

  1. Hi Roland et al,
    well I am currently working on methodologies and of course SCRUM is one of them (and just a representative of the Agile set of methodologies). These methodologies bring together many of the best practices which have developed in many organisations where the IT practitioners have not been tied into the waterfall straightjacket. Personally, having been involved in the Agile type of project, I know they can be massively successful. However, they represent just one approach and of course it needs to be tuned for a particular project so that we keep the best and de-risk the rest of the Agile techniques.
    Areas that concern me are: architecture development, in-depth analytical design, concern about maintenance and robustness, required skill-sets for an Agile project, frequent issues of non-dedicated project work, implementation of non-functional requirements, regulatory implementation and many others.

    Although many methodologists are keen to sell a “one approach fits all”, this is as silly as the “waterfall fits all”. I would like to see some analysis of pre-requisites for a successful Agile project, covering the issues I mention above and more besides. We should be able to cherry-pick methods just as we cherry-pick technical solutions.

    With greenfield site opportunities becoming reduced, much programming in the recent past has been reduced to the “code and test” cycle. In this sort of environment almost anything will bring an improvement and SCRUM will. But remember the Hawthorne effect ( ). It is applicable here. I do not find many business people or managers being strong supporters of Agile. Developers on the other hand love it. Unkindly, I have been defining appropriate areas of application of (some) Agile methods as “whim” driven, where the requirements are received as a series of whims from the (universal) user representative and which then get negotiated into a backlog of user stories. And from this we can get an architecture? Of course not, but in many (perhaps most) projects nowadays, the architecture is already there to be used, not designed. My standard test for general applicability of a methodology is to try to apply it to soeme extreme examples. Would anyone like to try an Agile world-class Chess playing project?

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