Ein paar lose Fragen aus einem losen Leben 😉 Kann es sein, dass Konzerne immer reicher und mächtiger werden und dringend notwendige Lösungen blockieren können?
Wearing my Smoking – on the way to the Gala. Money has always fascinated me. Not only because you can buy everything with it, but also because it is something...
Ein paar lose Fragen aus einem losen Leben ;-) Kann es sein, dass Konzerne immer reicher und mächtiger werden und dringend notwendige Lösungen blockieren können?
Wearing my Smoking – on the way to the Gala. Money has always fascinated me. Not only because you can buy everything with it, but also because it is something virtual with important functions and with immense strength and power. Money is a virtual commodity. It needs belief and symbols If you want it to fulfil its purpose, you actually need an almost absurd belief in the value of money. Because nobody wants to spend anything he values without getting something real and secure in return.
Negativer Zins und Inflation - eine Kombination die in den Abgrund führt.
Angst, Kapital und Staat
Von Roland Dürre –
3. Juni 2021
Ein paar lose Fragen aus einem losen Leben ;-) Kann es sein, dass Konzerne immer reicher und mächtiger werden und dringend notwendige Lösungen blockieren können?
Von Roland Dürre –
16. September 2019
Wearing my Smoking – on the way to the Gala. Money has always fascinated me. Not only because you can buy everything with it, but also because it is something virtual with important functions and with immense strength and power. Money is a virtual commodity. It needs belief and symbols If you want it to fulfil its purpose, you actually need an almost absurd belief in the value of money. Because nobody wants to spend anything he values without getting something real and secure in return.
“Sparsam Leben!” oder “Geld ausgeben!” (???)
Von Roland Dürre –
26. April 2019
Früher hat man freiwillig gespart, um Geld fürs Alter zurück zu legen. Heute spart man um zu überleben.