Video: Jens Hoffmann at the IF Forum “Project Coaching”

After the  “fish bowl” of the first section and a short break, Jens Hoffmann opened the second part of our technological IF Forum. The second part consisted of three presentations.  Jens started with an appeal for “systematical creativity“ or “creativity with systems“.

I hold Jens in very high esteem. In my perception, he has an exceptionally precise way of thinking things through and is a critical listener. Regardless of being rather critical (or perhaps because of it), he always has an open ear for fantastical and creative ideas. He is someone you can wonderfully make plans with. As a sparring partner, he is irreplaceable. Here is his presentation:

The Third Technological IF Forum was about “Project Coaching“ and the speakers were from “The best of PM-Camp“.

Jens came all the way from Hamburg just for his presentation – of course he came by train. I am particularly delighted about that. So here I am, thanking Jens for his contribution, which truly enirched our IF Forum.

(Translated by EG)


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