In this “Page” we publish various texts, mostly long and/or demanding, that need time and attention. Feel freee to print them. Where no English version is available, we link to the German one.

Very new the technical corner:

Zum Download gibt es hier den Beitrag zum Tagungsband der InterPM zum Thema “Retrospektiven als Basis agilen Projektmanagements oder: gelebte Streitkultur”
Tagungsbeitrag InterPM 2009: Retrospektiven und Streitkultur (4192 downloads )

Axel Maisch and Bernhard Findeiss at the ScrumDay Münchenin may 2009:
Retrospektiven als Grundlage agilen Projektmanagements (3188 downloads )

Robert Kulzer: “Blogs in the Web“.
Kulzer - Vermessung der Blogosphaere (2505 downloads )

Ulf Posé:

The Evolutionary Enterprise (1711 downloads ) (translated by EG)
Pose - Leadership and Responsibility (2342 downloads ) (translated by EG)
The Evolutionary Enterprise (1896 downloads ) (translated by EG)

Ulf Posé on TRUST:

Posé-TRUST-1 (2329 downloads ) (translated by EG)
Posé-TRUST-2 (2296 downloads ) (translated by EG)
Posé-TRUST-3 (2243 downloads ) (translated by EG)
Posé-TRUST-4 (2232 downloads ) (translated by EG)
Posé-TRUST-5 (2204 downloads ) (translated by EG)
Posé-TRUST-6 (2242 downloads ) (translated by EG)
Posé-TRUST-7 (2270 downloads ) (translated by EG)

Rudolf Jansche: Shareholder Value or Stakeholder Value? About globalisation and manager responsibility.

Shareholder Value (23618 downloads )

Slides from the talk “Energy Provision at a Turning Point” from Jörg Schindler on 13 November 2008 im IF-Forum:

Vortrag Jörg Schindler bei InterFace am 13. November 2008 (22755 downloads )

The text of a talk by Rupert Lay, that was published as a booklet by Ronneburger Kreis

What our Managers Fear (22585 downloads ) A satire on the “New Economy”: The play “Can we still be saved?” by Norbert Weinberger and Roland Dürre, premiered on 29 June 1999 im Schlachthof, Munich.

IT-Treff Satire (23921 downloads )

All documents on this “Page” are made available subject to a licence that prevents commercial use or modification:

Creative Commons Namensnennung-Keine kommerzielle Nutzung-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz.

Creative Commons License

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