Time is My Most Precious Commodity …

Currently, I actually realize how true this is. After all, I am flying from appointment to appointment. Some way or other, I seem to have no space left for dealing with private things and taking care of myself. Occasionally, I do not even know any more if perhaps a little dys-stress comes creeping along with the eu-stress.  This is also why there are currently so few IF blog articles. Mind you, this is regardless of the fact that I love writing and enjoy using every free minute for the IF blog.

This was the bad news. But the good news is coming up now:

I am travelling a lot, experiencing many different things and learning plenty of new things. Consequently, I receive many impulses. All of them are taken down and I already look forward to the quiet days when I can again generate small articles out of all those ideas.

(Translated by EG)


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