Entrepreneur’s Diary #52 “Charisma and Leadership“

Here is another afterthought on the professional IF-Forum of April, 11th: “Humans&Management”

During the exciting discussion following the presentations of Humans&Management, a friend of very long standing came up with an interesting contribution. Dr. Christian Hort instigated us to think about:

The Role of Charisma for Leadership!
Or, in other words: How important is charisma for leaders? Can leaders survive (or succeed) without charisma?

It is an interesting idea that has been in my mind for quite some time now. Here is my attempt at answering the question:
I believe charisma is definitely important. However, I also think that all people have a certain quantity of it – it is not restricted to the „great“ people among us.
Charisma is not if you are capable of inspiring and ensnaring people as their superiour, manager, leader or as an entrepreneur. That is something else – perhaps it is your skill at manipulating people?

I know many colleagues who create quite a special aura (charisma?) around themselves. Mostly, however, they do not have a “special” position, such as one of the aforementioned. Instead, they fulfill quite important tasks in the „second league“ – and in doing so they develop skills that fascinate not just their colleagues in the team.

For instance because they practice an enormous amount of self-discipline while developing a beautiful code. Or because they actually understand the complex system and are always willing to explain it to others with endless patience. Or because they have such a huge amount of understanding that they can even satisfy the most difficult customers. These are examples for charismatic manifestations that form an important pattern in the beautiful carpet “enterprise“.

To be sure, leaders should also have charisma. But it is relatively easy for them. All they have to do is emanate implicitnesses. Peace, a general air of understanding, truthfulness and casualty – those already go a long way towards charisma. If they are capable of letting others share what they learned from experience and if they remain humble in their success, if they treat criticism competently and if they can listen and understand what others say, that is all charisma…

What I wish to say is that charisma is something very simple and natural. All of us have it to some extent.
Some guides and coach drivers have more of it than some directors. And I am absolutely sure it is not what the idols of our consumption-oriented display world show us.

(Translated by EG)


You will find all my articles of the entrepreneur’s diary in the Drehscheibe!


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