Entrepreneur’s Diary #25 – The Establishment of My Own Company – Finding Partners

My experience in for parts: Motivation, Partners, Planning and Starting:

BILD1270After having decided to establish my own company, I looked for potential partners. Looking for a partner for founding a company is a little like looking for a suitable wife to start a family with. Except you cannot advertise in the classified section.

I wished to find a partner who really increased the value both professionally and on a personal level. I wanted him or her to be just as eager to found a company as I was myself. Another requirement was that we had to harmonize both as two human beings and with respect to our age, not to forget common shared values.

BILD1271Finding such a partner proved to be all but easy. There were many colleagues who were both competent and nice. I talked to all of them about founding a company, and was quite surprised to hear them all not even dreaming of self-employment.

At one time, I thought I had scored. Together with a colleague of mine, I had already started actual planning. But then he had to pass for financial reasons. Again, I was by myself.

In the end, I got lucky. A cherished soccer friend (unfortunately he is now dead) and fellow employee was in the same situation as I: he wanted to become self-employed. Our knowledge and abilities seemed to complement each other.
BILD1272 Then there was Wolf, a young man from Switzerland who had just finished his studies and looked towards his future full of optimism, who also joined us.

And my soccer friend also brought a friend, so now there were four of us.

Together, we wanted to establish a new company specializing on electric data processing. The way there proved to be long and hard. Today, I believe that finding the right partner is the most important requirement, as well as the greatest challenge for establishing a company.

(Translated by EG)

The pictures are all three of Gythio in the business district.


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