brand eins in December – Focus on Art

brandeinsnovOn November, 20th, I found the new Brandeins copy in my letter box. Instead of the yellow coloring you see on this picture, it was green.

I rather like the message:

Be Unique!

I would add: be unique, the way you already are. Actually, I believe that all people, and, of course, all enterprises as well, are unique in their own way. I also believe that nurturing this uniqueness is the first step towards success (and successful work).

Brandeins is probably such a huge success because it is rather unique – which is something you cannot necessarily say about other magazines.

So here is what you will find in it this month:
The magazine contains a lot of reading material for an entire month. So far, I was only able to do a little bit of browsing.

The issue is:
What can business learn from art. And vice versa.

My first impression:
The December issue approach is on soft soles, as is appropriate for the month. It might contain a little less business than usual, but it makes up for this by various insights behind the scenes of art. And it also outlines interesting parallels between business and art, both good and bad.

It goes without saying that some articles again correspond with my own ideas and experiences: there is the small reminiscence on “Art&Assortments”. That is a not very spectacular, yet very successful program on “Bayern3” TV (page 132), the “soft handcuffs” for “the customer, that elusive creature” (page 136), “see how cool I am” dealing with art and power (page 100), the “new job – machine engineering” as an example for good German medium-sized companies (page 38) and, of course, the always exciting games of numbers.

Apropos numbers: I discovered something else, too:
The book Die Welt in Zahlen: 2010 – das Jahrbuch von Brandeins und Statista, 256 pages, is also available now, for 22 Euros. I might just order a copy when the opportunity arises.

Apart from that, all I have to say is that I will devour the many articles in the Brandeins December issue during the quiet moments in small portions.

(Translated by EG)


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