Absurdities in the On-Board Newspaper – Are Hybrid Cars Making too Little Noise!?

On board MeinSchiff, there is actually a four-page daily newspaper. Every day, some absurd news is printed therein. Here comes a splitter of Saturday, July, 4th, 2009:

In Japan, hybrid cars must be made to be noisier!!!

As a cyclist, I have been thinking for some time that, in the future, I will have to rely more on what I see than on what I hear, because some few less noisy hybrid cars appear on the streets. On the other hand, so far, I always heard those hybrid cars quite well, too, because it is only the motor that makes no noise. The sound of the tyres rolling on the asphalt is still the same.

But now, at long last, the cars begin to get less noisy. And there is the risk that in the future cars will no longer have rollers. Instead they will have thin tyres made for going slower. Those will really be silent.

And what is it the Japanese now want: cars have to make more noise. The best would be to generate noise with a separate device!

By the way, a good bicycle is quite soundless and you can go pretty fast on it. But most of the cyclists (with the exception of some few rowdies) pay attention to people crossing their path and avoid them. And if necessary they use their bell or give a yell.

Or will cyclists also have to have a permanently noisy tyre bell in the future?

(Evelyn Gemkow)


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