Creative Scrum Teams – Pilot Workshop (August, 2008)

Von cs

08/08/08, 08:08 a.m. – the combination of time and date reads like something people consider appropriate for a wedding ceremony.

We, too, start into a new world. Together with Munich Technical University and TEG – the entrepreneurial group – we at InterFace prepared a workshop in order to find out how the agile approach SCRUM can be supported by using Creative Collaboration Tools.

After having thought a lot about it during the planning stage (see post 1 and post2), we are now at it. The intention  is clearly defined:

Creative Scrum = Creativity Tools + Scrum Method

All participants arrive on time at InterFace in Unterhaching on the seminar corridor for the general welcome and introductions. First and foremost, Alexander Maisch, a scrum master of InterFace AG, gives us an expert introduction to the basics and principles of SCRUM. He describes the roles of product owner, team and scrum master and illustrates them with examples.

Then, Florian Forster of TU München introduces the idea stream platform as it is developed and applied for testing a creative collaboration tool.

After the lunch break, we apply the theory in practice. Laptops are taken out of their cases and ideas quickly start flowing onto the electronic platform. Sorting and evaluating the ideas, too, happens faster and faster as we get more practice.

Typical questions are asked and answered: who are the stakeholders in the chosen practical project? What are their interests and goals? How can we structure these goals and reach them together?

As time goes by, all parties concerned collect valuable experience. Very practical problems, too, are solved: admittedly, a number of participants in the two-digit range is initially too much for the WLAN system. And it is also true that the moderator is extremely important in every phase, regardless, or perhaps sometimes even because of, the extremely high motivation of all participants.

Yet, by the day’s end, we have managed to finish the first scrum sprint. The main obstacles have been removed and first results found.
Consequently, we start the second day enthusiastically. After the next two scrum sprints, all parties concerned agree: we have reached a good result with what the practical problem was. Scrum as a method of tackling problems helped us a lot, and the creative collaboration tools were truly beneficial.

Every one of us was very impressed by the nice atmosphere, the work-support tools and the results. Our common conclusion was: more workshops of this kind will be beneficial for all parties concerned. We will continue to work on the idea.

(Translated by EG)


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