The Small Economic Miracle ♫

That was the heading of a comment in the economy sector of today’s Christmas edition in the paper version of the “Süddeutsche” at December, 24th, 2010. On page 25, uppermost left corner, you could find it. The small economic miracle.

Here is the gist of what the commentary said:

All of a sudden, Germany is well off again – now the nation must remember all its citizens!


Haven’t we all expected much worse? Now you have to behave fairly.

In a way, this sounds rather Christmassy. And I also find it absolutely correct that you should remember all the people if you are well off yourself. The only question is: how well off are we really?

A short time ago, I read in the economy section of the same paper that our debt of last year was a record. It was higher than that of any other nation in Europe. There are still a few billion Euros nobody knows how to come by. And that we added to the debt by additional clandestine debts through privatisation of such reasonable infra-structural concepts as women’s jails and multi-lane motorways. For which, from now on, we will also have to pay.

To be sure, if I take up money, I will be well off. If I were to take up one million Euros and consume it, I would have enough to buy a nice ship, go on several vacations to the Dominican Republic, and a lot more. And there would still be enough left of the one million Euros to go eating out with great style. Additionally, as opposed to my income, I would not even have to pay tax on my debt. Now isn’t that a brilliant concept?

Well, I will not indebt myself. I want none of these things and I firmly believe that I will be happier with less. And likewise, I doubt that what our government does with those 100 billion Euros (and more) of additional new debt will make us happy.

Now I also read that in the future German pupils are to get coupons for a warm midday meal. After all, otherwise they would not even get a warm lunch after having missed their breakfast altogether. And more and more often, I witness how elderly people no longer have the kind of money they used to believe they were going to have.

I also hear that the employees will have to accept higher costs next year. Even the nursing care insurance is running towards its collapse, so we will have to support it with another few billion Euros.

No, as Christmas approaches, I am rather satisfied with being as well off as never before. Mind you, I consume less than ever in my life. The trick for happiness if probably: less consumption and going towards new frontiers. In other words: if you think something was impossible or hard to do, just do it!

But this advice will end up as Alois Hingerl did with the Bavarian State Government: it will never reach our politician’s ears

That’s the story of the Bavarian Government waiting until today for divine advice …

(Translated by EG)


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