Some Dogs Bite Doggedly …

She: Sir, do I detect a bitter undertone?

He: Well, you will immediately understand, Rose. Because I am going to tell you that the doctors got a little carried away during my therapy – and I am not sure if it was an accident or negligence or, as I tend to believe, deliberately done to harm me! As I stand here today, I am not healed, but facing a ‚therapeutical pile of shards’…
She: But Hubert, that sounds terrible! What are you saying?

He: What I am saying is that a negligent, criminal doctorial guild, through their unethical behaviour, ruined my potential to live a life as befits my kind – for be(/i)tter for worse…

She: How so, Hubert?

He: Well, in a nutshell: I can no longer stay among my own kind! I am ostracized! Rose, I am no longer part of the vampire community! Can you imagine what that means for me?

She: But Hubert, what did they do to you?

He: Rose, they did the worst you can do to any vampire. For a vampire who, with the best of intents, was willing to work towards being integrated into this society and who, voluntarily – I say it again: voluntarily – , just because this is what our constitution demands, was perpared to forego the usual bloddy nourishment of his kind…

She: Are you saying that… ? Please excuse my indiscretion, Hubert – but is it possible that they actually did…?

He: Do not hesitate to ask the question, Rose! Yes, ask the question. It is about time the disgrace were shouted out loud for all the world to hear…!

She: Did they actually  – I hardly find breath to say it, Hubert – did they make a eunuch of you?

He: Oh, I wish it were as harmless as that, Rose! They did something much more detestable to me …

She: I wonder what that might be, Hubert? Is it possible to imagine anything more detestable?

He: Yes, yes – and three times yes! They stole my soul, rose Pumpchinn! Just imagine that! They simply took my soul and, against my will, made an abominable, bloodless…

She: Hubert, you hesitate? Why don’t you tell me? What did they do…?

He: They made me mutate, they took away my personality, the converted me … and I don’t know what else – into a bloodless V-E-G-E-T-A-R-I-A-N !!!!!!!

She: Oh – God, what a terrible blow. I thank you so much for this interview, Mister Hubert Bitingson!

(Translated by EG)

And on Thursday, September, 22nd, you will read another episode with “Carl and Gerlinde“!


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