Entrepreneur’s Diary #80 – My Life, Project Coaching and InterFace

If you get the impression that my life is exclusively about blogging, riding my bike, reading, swimming, playing chess, vacationing and more like it, then I have news for you: you are wrong. I spend many hours of every day promoting the future of InterFace AG as its “chairman of the board of directors”.

Almost thirty years ago, I founded the company together with Wolf Geldmacher – and I always believed in it. Consequently, I acquired the majority of enterprise shares as the years went by.

For me, the people who join me for a longer or shorter way of my life are truly important. We are talking my family, my friends, but also many chance acquaintances at the side-lines. And, of course, the “faces at InterFace” are also a very important part of my life.

My job used to be programmer. So what am I today? Manager? Entrepreneur? Leader? One of the helmsmen controlling a social system? I do not know the answer. It is a new role.

In this new role, I have to deal with coaching, empathy, leadership, communication, collaboration, conflict, co-operation, management, partnership, project, social systems, teams, entrepreneurship, responsibility, belonging. On these topics, I also give presentations (duerre.de) and write articles (IF-Blog.de).

Wherever people meet or social systems are developed, such as a family, a club or an enterprise where someone wants to make a difference, we have “project management“. In my entrepreneur’s diary (Drehscheibe), you will find several attempts at giving a definition (Definitionsversuche) for project management.

I am now quite convinced that all the terms used in the above list (and more of the same type) are relevant for project management. Project management is always about responsibility, leadership, management and entrepreneurship.

Kornelia Hietmann is one of the “multiplying” faces  at InterFace AG. On our last InterFace AG Blue Friday (March, 2012), I asked her to tell us about her concept of “project coaching”.

We made a video recording of her presentation. You can hear and see her main ideas if you watch for fifteen minutes.

Kornelia said exactly what I felt. I get the impression that “project coaching“ is a far better term for what it means that “project management“.

I hope to continue promoting InterFace AG in this way during the two remaining years left to me before I retire: through 2013 and 2014. After that, I look forward to handing on experience and knowledge (www.IF-AGORA.de) and, hopefully, taking care of my grandchildren.


(Translated by EG)


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