brand eins” in August – Seeing Other Faces For a Change.

A Change of Perspective.

What a coincidence! On Wednesday morning, the new “brand eins” copy was in my post box – and in the afternoon, I welcomed Frau Fischer in Unterhaching, where she gave her great presentation (Vortrag): Keine Panik von Frau Fischer im IF-Forum” presentation  on panic.

As always, there was hardly any time for reading on the weekdays. But yesterday, Saturday night, after my return from the “Hachinger Sportpark”, with me feeling rather lowly because we had lost our first game of the season in the Third League against Wehen-Wiesbaden, I sought solace in the “ brand eins”.

Incidentally, the friend of ours you see on the cover page, too, looks like he had just returned from the soccer game.

In the August edition, the subject matter is “perspective”. Well, we of the Haching soccer fans, too, could do with some perspective! If you take a closer look, what the current edition (and also the Haching soccer team) is all about is a change of perspective.

But let me return to what I was going to talk about: the magazine…

The current edition is basically about “business and animals”. I was rather stunned, because it was the last thing I would have expected. Somehow or other, the magazine looks totally different from usual. After all, homo sapiens, me included, is a creature of habit.

Incidentally, it is perfectly obvious that there must be numerous connections on all levels between human business and our comrades the animals. Let catch words such as factory farming, end of the variety of species, damage done to animals by animals, jobs, crisis management, leadership and efficiency suffice.

Yet you will also find all possible varieties of animals in the magazine: the hamster and the bee, the guinea pig and the zebra fish. Neither our favourite food, the pig, nor our best and most trusted friend, the dog, has been forgotten. The only species that is not mentioned are soccer players.

Even the worm and the alpha animal are mentioned!

This is certainly quite a surprise “brand eins”. As an exception to my rule, I will not tell more. Instead, I am trying to make you really keen on reading it yourself.  INCLUDEPICTURE “” * MERGEFORMATINET

Go and get it! In a way, it is really more fun reading “brand eins” than being a spectator when Haching plays. It also costs less and you can enjoy it a lot longer.

(Translated by Gemkow)


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